Monday, 9 September 2024
webAIRS Information Threads

Current Frequently Asked Questions

The ANZCA and FPM CPD Program is available on the ANZCA website. Incident reporting to webAIRS accumulates ANZCA-approved CPD points in the domain Practice Evaluation at 2 credits per hour of reporting.

For anaesthetists who use the AMA´s and ASA´s CPD home an incident report to webAIRS contributes to the activity´s time as a Domain 2 Practice Evaluation/ Measuring outcomes/ Improving patient outcomes item.

The calculated time should include collecting data and information, composing the webAIRS narratives, demographic data entry and text boxes, including the reflection on the event.

Proof of participation is satisfied for both organisations with an attached screenshot of the automatic email CPD confirmation or the CPD print, which you can request at the end of the incident entry.

ANZTADC Administration

Earlier Frequently Asked Questions

This document guides a new user through the steps of firstly, registering as an individual and secondly, registering with existing sites or creating a new site. A site may be a hospital, private practice, day surgery or any other group of people who are collectively reporting incidents.

Martin Culwick, Yasmin Endlich and Susan Considine

This document guides a new user through the steps of reporting incidents to webAIRS.


The incident charts page has been updated for local administrators. This is similar to the incidents dashboard but allows the local adminitrator to drill down to the incident subcategories and from there also drill down to individual incidents. The charts can be copied with a screen shot tool or printed out to pdf from most of the latest browsers. These feature has been tested on Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Martin Culwick and Sarah Walker

An update was released for the Review Incidents page on the 23rd November 2017. This page is only avaiable for local administrators and for individual practice. The new functions allow the incidents to be selected by date and also allows the incident to be edited by the local administrator. Whilst editing there is an extra button at the bottom of the page which allows the local administrator to return to the Review incidents page and the same incident is loaded back for checking. There are additional settings to show that the page has been reviewed at an M & M meeting, or that the page has been archived (without reviewing). The default is "Not reviewed" which is the setting when the incident is first entered.

M Culwick

In order to register a new site you will need to consider the ethical implications, in particular whether the transfer of the information complies with the privacy act and that the secondary use of the information is lawful. In 2014 the NHMRC issued a document which clarified the requirements for quality assurance activities in Australia. To read more and display links to relevant documents; click on the link below

Martin Culwick and Sarah Walker

webAIRS is the web-based anaesthetic incident reporting system from the Australian and New Zealand Tripartite Anaesthetic Data Committee (ANZTADC). The mission of ANZTADC is to improve the safety and quality of anaesthesia for patients in Australia and New Zealand by providing an enduring capability to capture, analyse and disseminate information about (de-identified) incidents relative to the safety and quality of anaesthesia in Australia and New Zealand. webAIRS is owned and funded by three organisations: the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA), the Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA) and the New Zealand Society of Anaesthetists (NZSA). To read more click on the link below

S.Walker and M.Culwick